Saturday, March 17, 2012

Challenge 9: Animal

This is our cute dog, Hope. She is about 3 years old. Unfortunately, we are really wanting to give her away. She has some bad habits that are only getting worse with us having a baby. I am pretty confident that these habits are a result of not getting as much attention as she used to along with not having a yard to get out her energy. I am sad that my relationship with her is nothing like it used to be. When she was my "baby", we played constantly, I let her sleep with me in my bed after bath day, she would always run to me in the mornings to see if I were awake, etc. Now we just get on each other's nerves. I have tried to renew our relationship a few times, but then she does something like eating a cloth diaper or a sock or bites one of us....No, I do not have unconditional love for her. I mean, I love her in that I want the best for her, but my actions and attitudes toward definitely do not reflect that love after she does something like the above (which is pretty much every day). The big reason we feel like we have to give her away is the biting. She snaps even at children if they touch her in a way that causes any type of pain. She has only bit my husband through the skin, but I don't want to risk that happening to a baby or child. She has no self-control when it comes to pain, however slight it is. She is very defensive. I supposed this happens to a dog with a past. She was abandoned and then attacked while in the dog shelter. But she loves people! She learns tricks very quickly. She gives hugs, shakes, plays dead, stands-up, jumps, ...everything except for "speak" pretty much! She would make a great dog for a couple with older children (5 and up), a couple with no children, or a single. We are hoping to find her a good home that is a perfect fit for her! I should also note that we did not have trouble with biting until we moved here. She has become much more aggressive being cooped  up in a small apartment with little attention and affection. We feel really bad, but cannot do much to help.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good description of Hope! Maybe you can use it to advertise!
